5 inspiring WhatsApp marketing campaign examples

5 WhatsApp marketing campaign examples by inspiring brands
Mar 8, 2023
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WhatsApp marketing is a new type of marketing in which businesses use WhatsApp for promotional purposes. These messages can include anything from promotional messages, back-in-stock updates and product launches to weekly newsletters, competitions, upcoming events, and more.

WhatsApp marketing can help businesses connect with customers on a personal level, reach wider audiences and ultimately increase sales. With an open rate above 90% and response rates around 50%, WhatsApp messages allow businesses to increase conversion rates at scale. Companies can easily turn conversations into revenue while building personal connections with customers.

How to create a successful WhatsApp marketing campaign

WhatsApp Business used to focus mainly on inbound communication and businesses receiving messages. However, with the addition of the Broadcast feature, WhatsApp has become an outbound marketing tool as well. You can now create groups of customers, add a call to action to your messages, and broadcast to large groups of customers all at once.

To create an effective WhatsApp campaign, it's important to understand how to leverage the platform's features and unique selling points. These include:

  • Personalisation: WhatsApp allows for personalised messages and offers a more intimate communication channel. Your messages will be received by people in between chats with their friends and family.
  • Quick responses: WhatsApp is an instant messaging platform, which allows for quick and efficient communication.
  • Multimedia capabilities: WhatsApp supports various types of rich media (GIFs, emojis, stickers, videos) and makes it easier for businesses to engage customers with interactive content.
  • High engagement: WhatsApp messages have a higher open and response rate compared to email marketing.

Let's explore some inspiring WhatsApp marketing campaign examples to increase engagement, conversion, and lead nurturing in the customer journey.

1. Hellmann's

Image Source: Daniel Busch

About the campaign: WhatsCook

Hellmann's wanted to inspire people to use mayonnaise as a cooking ingredient beyond just sandwiches. They came up with a creative solution: WhatsCook, the first live recipe service via WhatsApp. The idea was to connect people with real chefs who could teach them how to cook using ingredients they already had.

Users first registered for WhatsCook campaign on the website by providing their WhatsApp numbers. Then, they received a message from an actual chef requesting pictures of the ingredients they had in their fridge. Hellmann's chef would then suggest a recipe using those ingredients. WhatsCook charmed people and drew media attention for being an alternative recipe storytelling. At the end of the campaign, 99% of users were satisfied with the service.

Several other brands offered cooking tips and recipe ideas, but it was Hellmann's use of WhatsApp as a medium that stood out. They created personalised content and provided real-time guidance for their audience.

2. KLM

About the campaign: Flight Alerts

KLM's Flight Alerts is one of the successful WhatsApp marketing campaign examples. This campaign aims to inform the family members of passengers about their flight information. By providing this information, KLM is able to create a more personalised experience for their customers and help them feel more connected to their loved ones.

This type of campaign is a great example of how WhatsApp can be used to create a better customer experience and build stronger relationships with customers.

📚 Related: With Trengo, you can deliver real-time updates via WhatsApp Business API. This includes order confirmations, payment requests, boarding passes, reminders to bring your passport, information about your tour guide and more. The possibilities are endless for making the customer experience as comfortable as possible. You can bring the entire customer journey to WhatsApp, from human support to automated updates.


About the campaign: Don’t Call Mom

ADAC (German Automobile Club) offers roadside assistance to its members. With a customer base of approximately 20 million, it is the largest automobile club in Europe. However, the brand has faced the challenge of attracting young people who often travel without their own car.

To address this issue, the company decided to offer a new service available on WhatsApp. The "Don't Call Mom" campaign aimed to provide a hotline for youth to ask any questions they had, even if they were hesitant to ask their parents. The campaign lasted for 6 weeks and generated 20 million impressions. The brand received about 140,000 messages during this time. These figures show the success of the campaign in reaching out to younger people and becoming more relatable by using WhatsApp.

4. Lidl

About the campaign: Quiet Time

Lidl is experimenting with customer service through WhatsApp, enabling customers to quickly reach out to an employee when they have questions.

Initially, in response to the pandemic, the German grocery chain created a “Quiet Time” chatbot that allowed shoppers to check store capacity before heading over to shop. In May 2020, Lidl launched a temporary chatbot on WhatsApp to inform customers about the quietest times to shop. By doing so, they aimed to reduce queues and make it easier for customers to comply with social distancing measures. Now, Lidl has implemented a full-scale customer care strategy on the platform to provide a seamless support experience to their shoppers.

📚 Related: You can also build a chatbot for WhatsApp in Trengo. A chatbot understands what your customer is saying by recognising certain keywords and formulating a reply. To train the bot, simply provide answers to frequently asked questions. The more variations you provide, the smarter the bot will become.

5. Polar Company

About the campaign: How to use the Polar products?

The Polar Company helps over 400 people a day deal with sweating issues. Because sweating is a personal issue, the company strongly believes that a personalised approach in their communication is key.

After a customer places an order, they get a WhatsApp message with all the instructions on how to use Polar Company products. They even send their customers a video in which they explain how to use the products. Rather than a one-off purchase, they are creating a better experience for their customers after the initial purchase. This increases the chance of customer retention.

📚 Related: How Trengo helps The Polar Company offer personal service via WhatsApp

Start your own WhatsApp marketing campaign

These five WhatsApp marketing campaign examples show how the platform can help you achieve your goals and grow your business. Hopefully, they have inspired you to start creating your own marketing campaign.

The WhatsApp Business API allow businesses to use WhatsApp as a marketing channel and interact with customers in a more efficient and personalised way. With an official WhatsApp Business Solution Provider like Trengo, you can use all the functionalities that help you create a WhatsApp marketing campaign.

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