How to add a chat to your website in 5 easy steps

Jul 23, 2020
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With Trengo, you can create your own bot without having to use code. In this blog, I will take you through the steps to make your first bot and integrate a bot on your website.

What is a bot?

First things first. We have all heard of a bot before, but what is it exactly and how does it work?

A bot is a scripted AI tool that talks to customers via multiple channels. For instance WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram. Chatbots help people to work productively and efficiently. They can also help you to increase your conversion rate and generate leads.

Integrate a chat into your website

Now that you are - hopefully - excited about adding a chat to your website, it is time to help you get started. Trengo can help you add a chat to your website in five easy steps.

  1. Request the bot
  2. Configure the bot
  3. Train the bot
  4. Test the bot
  5. Celebrate your new team member

1. Request the chat

  • The next step is to give your bot an internal title and select the main language. Make sure the title is clear, in case you would like to add more bots in the future.
  • Select the most relevant channels for your business. In this case, we will go for the website chat. If you have already requested this channel within Trengo, you can simply select it here. Otherwise, you will have to set up a website chat channel first.
integrate chat on website
  • To connect the bot to the machine learning technique from Google, you have to request the bot client access from Google Dialogflow. Within Trengo, you get a step by step explanation on how to complete this process.

2. Configure the bot

You have just created your first bot. Congrats! 🤖 Now it is time to personalize it. The following settings are divided into ‘Content’ and ‘Advanced options’.


For starters, you can name your bot. I give you the tip to make this name playful and recognizable. Within these settings, you can also personalize the introduction text and fallback text.

integrate chat on website

We have already provided you with the basics and filled in these scenarios. If you would like to customise your bot, feel free to write out your own.

Advanced options

You can completely personalise your bot to your wishes. Trengo offers the following options:

  • Agent fallback: If your bot cannot answer a question, it will forward the conversation to the service team.
  • Failure limit: The bot keeps track of how often it does not know the answer to a question. If the failure limit is low, the chatbot will refer a question to the team more quickly.
  • Partial answer failure limit: The bot can respond to more complex questions by returns what it understands in the conversation.
  • Agent fallback confirmation: The bot asks the visitor if the conversation may be referred to an employee.
  • Answer confidence: The higher the answer confidence percentage, the more certain the bot is about its answer to a question.
integrate chat on website

3. Train the bot

It is time to provide your bot with information about your company.

  • Let’s start with creating categories. You can add categories such as General, Customer Service, and Sales. This gives you a clear overview of all the questions and answers your bot knows.
integrate chat on website
  • Now you can add different questions and answers to your categories. Fill in several questions that match the same answer. This way the bot knows how to answer your visitors, even if a question is asked differently.

I advise you to add five different questions in the 'Question' field. I have made an example below that will show you how to implement this advice.

integrate chat on website

4. Test the bot

We have developed the Trengo Playground, in which you can test your own bot.

integrate chat on website

In the above case, the bot is 100% convinced that the question fits the answer. It is also possible that the matching percentage is shown in red. In the live environment, the bot will then say that he does not understand the question.

“I am a bot and I still have to learn a lot. Could you ask this question in a different way?”

The playground also gives you insight into how the bot handles complex questions. In the example below, we explain how the playground deals with this situation.

integrate chat on website

5. Celebrate your new team member

The time has come to celebrate your new team member and add the bot to your website. All you have to do is switch on the green button, save the changes and you are good to go 🚀

integrate chat on website

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