The omnichannel inbox guide: everything your business needs to know (2024)

Multichannel / omnichannel
Jun 3, 2024
min read
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In 2024, over 85% of consumers do not stick to one point of contact when they're trying to reach you. Instead, they use on average 6 channels, including email, social media platforms, live chat, phone, SMS and self-service portals, to get in touch (Sprout Social).

This variety allows businesses to meet customers where they are, enhancing the overall customer experience by providing timely and efficient service across their preferred platforms. But the customer experience will only benefit from this omnichannel approach when it's done well.

This is pivotal, because not only do customers use a variety of channels, they expect businesses to do too. And expect consistent interactions across multiple communication channels when dealing with businesses.

So you're part of a service providing team right? And you want to meet, no exceed, customer expectations to increase customer satisfaction and... yes of course ultimately also revenue. On this page I'll take you through everything you need to know about an omnichannel inbox, and how to use it best for your business.

In a nutshell: What is an omnichannel inbox?

An omnichannel inbox is a unified communication platform that integrates multiple customer interaction channels —such as email, social media, live chat, and SMS — into a single interface.

This platform ensures that all customer inquiries and interactions are centralised, allowing for a seamless and consistent customer experience. By consolidating these channels, businesses can manage and track communications more efficiently, respond to customer needs more effectively, and maintain a comprehensive view of each customer's journey​ (HBS Working Knowledge)​.

💡What is the difference between multichannel and omnichannel? You can find the answer here.

How can an omnichannel inbox help your business?

An omnichannel inbox is essential as, like described here above, it consolidates all communication streams — email, social media, live chat, SMS, and more — into a single, unified interface.

This consolidation ensures that no customer query goes unanswered, enables a consistent and personalised customer experience, and enhances efficiency by allowing service teams to manage and track interactions in one place. By adopting an omnichannel inbox, businesses can improve response times, build stronger customer relationships, and drive overall satisfaction and loyalty.

Not convinced? 

I'm sure that these 16 omnichannel customer service statistics will persuade you.

What does an omnichannel customer experience look like? 

💡Read everything there is to know about omnichannel customer experiences here.

Need some practical examples of how others are using this approach? 

Check out these 5 inspiring omnichannel customer service examples.

How exactly will an omnichannel communication platform improve customer experience?

By prioritising customer experience, you cultivate a loyal customer base.

And anomnichannel communication platform will do exactly that. Because with it your team can finally dive into proactive, personalised, and seamless service.

What are the key features of an omnichannel inbox

From the biggest to medium-sized businesses if the aim is to turn one time vistitors into loyal customers, you can bet an omnichannel approach is on the table.

💡 Have a look at the key features of an omnichannel inbox and how to use these here.

Are you convinced? And looking for a an omnichannel customer support tool?

Here are the top 3 omnichannel customer support tools in 2024. These are the very best solutions out there. So this will make it a lot easier to pick the ones that fits your business best!

Looking for an omnichannel customer engagement software?

If your focus is not just an omnichannel customer support tool, but rather an upgrade of your entire service. Then a platform to help your team go from overwhelmed to in control is a real game changer. We've said so before in the article talking about the 5 key reasons to pick an omnichannel software that fits your business.

💡This is the top 5 best omnichannel customer engagement software in 2024

Do you already work with an omnichannel platform?

Then think about applying the omnichannel approach to your customers' favourite channels. Start here:

- How to add an omnichannel widget to your website

- Omnichannel WhatsApp Integration guide - A Unified Approach

Related resources:

- The guide to omnichannel communication in 2023

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