How to create a Telegram Business account in 6 easy steps

Jun 28, 2024
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Telegram is a fast-growing social platform with over 550 million users worldwide. And it is still gaining popularity with an average of 500,000 new sign-ups daily. The messaging platform has become one of the best ways for people to chat with friends and family easily.

But the platform is not just for individual use. There can also be used by businesses. And with the popularity of Telegram, it makes sense you want to have a business presence on the platform.

We will:

  • tell you all about the features that will help your company get the most out of the platform
  • and walk you through the steps of setting up a Telegram Business account

So you can use Telegram to tell people about your brand and meet your customers where they are.

What is Telegram Business Account & it’s uses for Businesses?

Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed.”

Telegram and WhatsApp share some similarities. They are both messaging platforms. But unlike WhatsApp, Telegram focuses on seamless synchronisation. The platform will let you access chats from multiple devices at once.

Can Telegram be used for business?

Short answer: yes!

The nature of Telegram makes the platform a great opportunity for businesses. Why? The platform can significantly help consumer service businesses because it is yet another popular customer channel. And helps businesses attract, plus provide seamless communication through a Telegram business account.

Use a business account Telegram, and you'll be able to interact directly with customers. Another channel that'll allow your team to get in touch with customers, offer real-time support and personalised services.

Importance of a Telegram business account

Creating a business account on Telegram offers several advantages that can significantly enhance customer engagement.

1. A business account allows you to establish a professional presence, making it easier for customers to identify and trust your brand.

2. Telegram provides features such as automated responses, customer segmentation, and analytics, which can streamline your customer service operations.

By leveraging these tools, your team can respond to inquiries more efficiently and personalise communication, fostering a stronger relationship with your clientele.

Telegram's secure and encrypted environment protects sensitive customer information, thereby building trust and credibility. For SMBs in industries like travel and hospitality, these features can be particularly beneficial in maintaining high customer service and satisfaction standards.

Benefits and features of Telegram Business

In short, organisations can use Telegram to:

  • Communicate with customers and provide customer support 24/7
  • Monitor data such as the number of views, subscribers, mentions, and reposts to track digital marketing success
  • Keep the conversation going and understand how customers are engaging with the business

What are the most important features of Telegram Business?

What does Telegram offer? We’ll list some of the features that your customer support team can use to get in contact with your customers:


There are two types of Telegram channels:

  • Private channels: where users can only join a private channel after receiving an invite.
  • Public channels: where users can have access to the channel by searching for and joining.
Telegram channel in Trengo

In a Telegram group, all members can see each other, while in a channel, members cannot see other members. This feature makes channels particularly beneficial for consumer service businesses.

Channels allow you to:

1. create awareness for your business by broadcasting messages to a large audience without exposing the identities of other members, ensuring privacy and confidentiality. You can use these channels to share updates, promotions, and important information directly with your customers.

2. channels enable you to invite customers specifically for messages intended just for them, creating a tailored communication experience. This targeted approach enhances customer engagement and fosters a sense of exclusivity, making your communication more effective and personalised.

Chat groups

Similar to a regular group chat, a Telegram group enables multiple users to send and receive messages simultaneously. Telegram allows up to 200,000 users in a group, making it ideal for businesses to build a large community of customers or prospects.

This feature fosters:

1. direct and interactive communication, encouraging customer engagement and feedback. Businesses can use groups to facilitate discussions, provide support, and share updates in real-time.

2. the ability to create sub-groups and use pinned messages ensures that important information is easily accessible, enhancing the overall user experience and community management.

💡 Telegram Channel vs Telegram Group

A Telegram Channel is ideal for broadcasting messages to a large audience without revealing member identities, ensuring privacy. In contrast, a Telegram Group allows for interactive discussions among up to 200,000 users, fostering community building and direct engagement.

Telegram Chatbot

A Telegram chatbots can simulate conversations with customers. This can help balance the workload of your support team. Because recurring customer questions can be handled via the chatbot first. It can handle sign-ups and gathers contact details. Or resolve product inquiries, and send notifications or updates.

Telegram Chatbot

To get started with the Telegram Bot, you need to set up a connection to the Telegram Business API. The API is free but it doesn’t however have an interface. So you will need a customer support software like Trengo to create this connection to your CRM.

Learn more about the Telegram chatbot and what it can do for your business.

Focus on privacy

Typically, the Telegram app does not offer end-to-end encryption for messages, which means it may not be the most secure way to send or receive confidential information from customers. But the Telegram secret chat feature encrypts all messages and prevents parties from forwarding messages to a conversation in which this feature is enabled. Protecting your customers' security.

Telegram benefits for business

So what about the benefits? Let's have a look.

Telegram offers numerous benefits for consumer service businesses, including:

  • Real-time communication: instant messaging for prompt customer support.
  • Automated responses: use of bots to handle frequent queries and tasks.
  • Broadcasting: easily send updates and promotions to a wide audience.
  • Personalised service: tailored interactions to enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Cost-effective: free to use with no hidden costs, making it an affordable communication tool.
  • Security: end-to-end encryption ensures customer data privacy.
  • Global reach: connect with customers worldwide without any geographical barriers.

To leverage these benefits, businesses need to create a Telegram business account, which is a straightforward process that opens up new avenues for customer engagement and satisfaction. How to create telegram business account? Read on!

6 steps to create your Telegram account for business

To create your Telegram business account, follow these straightforward steps to navigate the Telegram sign up process.

  1. Download the Telegram app from the App Store or Google Play Store and install it on your device. 
  2. Once installed, open the app and click on "Start Messaging." You will be prompted to enter your mobile number. 
  3. Telegram will send a verification code via SMS after entering the number. Input this code to proceed.
  4. Set up your profile by adding your business name, logo, and a brief description of your services. This information will help customers recognise your brand easily. 
  5. Navigate to the settings menu and select "Create New Channel." Choose a name and description for your channel that aligns with your business objectives.
  6. Finally, invite team members to join and manage the account. You can assign roles and permissions to ensure smooth operation. By following these steps, your Telegram business account will be up and running quickly.

That's how to open telegram business account. Easy!

How to create a Telegram Channel for businesses

So now you want to get started! Since you want to use Telegram to reach your audience, step 1 is to set up a Telegram channel.

Here's how to do that quickly:

  1. Download the Telegram app: Get it from the App Store or Google Play Store and install it on your device.
  2. Start Messaging: Open the app, click on "Start Messaging," and enter your mobile number. Verify it with the code sent via SMS.
  3. Set up your profile: Add your business name, logo, and a brief description to help customers recognize your brand.
  4. Create New Channel: Navigate to the settings menu and select "Create New Channel." Choose a name and description that aligns with your business objectives.
  5. Set Channel Type: Decide between a public channel, where anyone can join, or a private channel, which requires an invite.
  6. Invite Members: Add team members to help manage the channel. Assign roles and permissions to ensure smooth operation​ (Customer engagement platform | Trengo)​​ (Customer engagement platform | Trengo)​​ (Customer engagement platform | Trengo)​.

This setup allows you to leverage Telegram’s features for effective business communication and customer engagement.

Prerequisites for Telegram sign up

Before you start the Telegram sign up process for a business account, there are a few prerequisites to keep in mind

  • Mobile number: you will need a valid mobile number. Telegram uses this number to send a verification code, ensuring the account is secure.
  • Business email: Prepare a business email address. This can be used for further verification and to link additional services.
  • Logo or professional image: Your logo or professional image should represent your brand, as this will be part of your profile. 
  • Business description: A well-crafted business description is also essential; it should succinctly convey your services and value propositions. 
  • FAQs: Having a list of frequently asked questions and prepared responses can help you set up automated replies, making your account more efficient from the get-go.

Preparing for these essentials will make the Telegram sign up process smoother and more efficient.

When using Telegram for your business

When using Telegram for your business, consider following these best practices to maximise the platform’s capabilities:

  • Use relevant keywords for your group or channel name and description
  • Make use of QR-codes and chat-links to encourage users to contact you directly
  • Add your Telegram chatbot to your group chat so that you can check your customer data later
  • Make sure your communication is relevant for your customers. Don’t send messages that can come across as spam. Because users will block you.
  • Establish an instant connection with new customers. Unlike other messaging apps, Telegram does not have a 24 messaging window. You can really keep the conversation going!

Telegram as a messaging platform that can help your business to offer personalised and relevant customer support. On channels that your customers use. So sign up for an account and start building your customer base.

Using Telegram for customer service

Telegram supports automated responses and chatbots, which can handle frequent queries efficiently, reducing the workload on customer service teams.

Features such as groups and channels enable businesses to create communities and broadcast important information to a large audience without compromising privacy.

Leverage these features and you'll be able to easily reach your customers and personalise the service you're providing.

Using Telegram for support

Telegram supports real-time messaging, allowing businesses to quickly address customer inquiries and issues, thus improving response times and customer satisfaction.

Plus the platform's integration with automated chatbots helps manage frequent queries and routine tasks, ensuring that customers receive prompt and accurate responses even outside of business hours​.

Telegram's groups and channels enable businesses to foster communities, share updates to large audiences without compromising user privacy​​. By leveraging these features, businesses can provide pand continuous support, enhancing overall customer experience.

Manage your business account Telegram with Trengo

Now you know how to create business account on telegram, create a telegram channel and more!

Want to make the most of customer support on Telegram? And add Telegram as a channel to your inbox? Contact us at Trengo. We will make sure that all members of your team can managing communication via one inbox.

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