How to create a chatbot and flowbot for Instagram DM

Jun 9, 2021
min read
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Instagram is getting more and more popular among online shoppers. With over 1 billion global users, it's a channel that companies can't ignore. And once you start selling via Instagram, you'll also have to answer customer questions on there. Time to step up your customer service game.

You can use Trengo to answer incoming Instagram DMs together with all your other channels in one platform. By using a Trengo chatbot for Instagram DM, you will improve accessibility, speed, and customer satisfaction.

In this article, we'll discuss:

  • How to automate Instagram direct messages
  • The benefits of using an Instagram DM bot
  • How to make a chatbot for Instagram DM
  • 3 ways you can use chatbots for Instagram DM

How to automate Instagram direct messages

There are several ways you can automate Instagram direct messages in Trengo. For example, you can create auto-replies, use quick replies, and set up chatbots. In this article, I'll focus on the most used tool: the chatbot.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a scripted AI tool programmed to talk to customers via multiple channels. From Facebook to WhatsApp Business and live chat on your website. A chatbot helps your team by handling simple support queries and collecting customer information.

The benefits of using an Instagram DM bot

Using a chatbot comes with the following benefits:

  • Improves response time: chatbots are 24/7 available and always reply with the speed of light.
  • Increases customer satisfaction: your customer will always get a fast answer. They don't need to switch to another channel or a different department.
  • Saves time and costs: chatbots save your team time by taking over time-consuming tasks like answering frequently asked questions.

How to make a chatbot for Instagram DM

First, you have to connect your Instagram account to Trengo's platform. After this, you can create your own no-code chatbot. At Trengo, you can pick between two different options:

1. The regular chatbot

A regular chatbot simulates a normal conversation between you and your customer. When the customer asks a question, the chatbot recognizes keywords and sends pre-filled answers.

A regular chatbot for Instagram DM

As you can see in the example above, the bot recognizes the keyword 'shipping costs' and replies with the required information within seconds.

Learn all about setting up bots with Trengo

The flowbot works in a slightly different way. Instead of responding to the customer question, the flowbot asks multiple-choice questions and forwards the customer to the right team or information. Since you're in charge of the conversational flow, it leaves less room for confusion. That is why it's easier to set up a flowbot.

2. The flowbot


Learn how to set up a flowbot in Trengo

3 ways you can use a chatbot for Instagram DM

When the DMs pile up, it's nice to have an extra (digital) colleague who takes care of the busywork. Here are three ways you can use a chatbot to help your team out:

1. Answer frequently asked questions

When a customer has found your brand on Instagram, they may also be interested in your product. But before they make a purchase, they might have a question first. Most of these questions often include:

  • Opening hours
  • Available products
  • Return policies
  • Shipping costs

It takes your team a lot of time to answer these questions over and over again. Instead, you can safely use a chatbot to answer them for you. The chatbot recognizes the question and then answers with relevant information.


2. Ask for customer information and gather leads

A chatbot is the ultimate lead generator. The chatbot can ask for customer information and saves all the input under a customer contact profile in Trengo. After gathering the information, the chatbot routes the conversation back to your team. This leaves your sales team with a nice list of leads to contact.


3. Handle support queries by using dynamic content

In case you're not familiar with dynamic content, I'll give you a short explanation.

Dynamic content is content that changes based on customer information. If you receive a newsletter from your favourite brand, you might recognize the following sentence: “Goodmorning [customer name],”. That's an example of dynamic content.

Trengo’s chatbot can retrieve dynamic content through integrations with, for example, e-commerce software like Shopify and Picqer.

By using dynamic content, the chatbot can support your customer with:

  • Order status and information
  • Product issues
  • Product information

As you can see in the example above, the chatbot pulls up relevant information in response to the dynamic content. This way, even the more personal questions can be answered right away.

Start with a bot for Instagram DM

It's time to start using Instagram to its full extent and support customers on their favourite channel. In Trengo, you can build your own chatbot without having to use code and start offering even faster service than before.

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