15 life-saving quick reply messages for WhatsApp Business

Jul 16, 2021
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Want to offer high-quality customer service via WhatsApp Business? Then you need to make it personal and fast. Master both aspects and you'll go straight to your customers' hearts.

Easier said than done of course. You have more stuff to do and you're just not the robot customers expect you to be.

But by using quick replies for WhatsApp Business, you can make your job a whole lot easier.

In this blog, I'll discuss the benefits of using quick replies, explain how to set them up, and share some life-saving WhatsApp Business quick reply samples.

What is a WhatsApp Business quick reply?

A WhatsApp Business quick reply is a templated message that you can easily search, edit, and send to your customer. They are often used by customer service agents to answer frequently asked questions.

The more repetitive questions you get, the more time (and sanity) a quick reply will save you.

Benefits of using a WhatsApp Business quick reply

Using quick replies makes your life easier in multiple ways:

  • They improve your response time
  • They save your customer service team time
  • They make it easier to keep a steady tone of voice as a team

How to set up a quick reply for WhatsApp Business

So, there are two options here. If you manage your WhatsApp Business account alone, you can simply use the WhatsApp Business application. However, if you want to manage one number with a team, you will need to start using the WhatsApp Business API.

This is because the application was created for small businesses and can only be used by one person on one device at the same time.

There are a couple of other limitations to the app that make the API more suitable for larger teams:

  • You can only create up to 50 quick replies in the application.
  • The maximum length of quick replies is 25 characters in the application.

I'll explain how to set up quick replies for both options below.

Setting up a quick reply in the WhatsApp Business application

We'll start off with setting up a quick reply in the WhatsApp Business application.

  1. Go to your WhatsApp Business application and navigate to 'More options' > 'Business tools' > 'Quick replies'.
  2. Next, tap 'Add(+)'.
  3. Fill in the text or add a media file. This will become your quick reply.
  4. Decide on the keyboard shortcut that will trigger the quick reply.
  5. Click 'Save'.

Now, whenever you type in the given shortcut in a chat with a customer, your quick reply will pop up.

Setting up a quick reply with the WhatsApp Business API

In order to use the WhatsApp Business API, you'll need to adopt a customer service platform that has the ability to connect with it, such as Trengo. That's because the API itself doesn't have its own interface.

Here's how you set up a quick reply for WhatsApp Business in Trengo:

  1. Go to settings >settings >quick replies.
  2. Click on the green '+' button.
  1. Fill in an internal name for your quick reply.
  2. Select which channel the quick reply should be active on, in this case, 'WhatsApp Business'.
  3. Write down your message.
  4. Click 'Save'.

Now, your new quick reply is always one click away. If you'd like, you can also use it on other communication channels that you use, such as Instagram DMs or Facebook Messenger.


15 quick reply messages for WhatsApp Business

Now that you know how to set everything up, it's time for some inspiration. Below you'll find a WhatsApp Business quick reply template for any situation you may encounter.

Greeting messages

  1. Hi there, thanks for reaching out! 👋
  2. Hiya! My name is [employee name]. How can I help you today?
  3. Hi, [name customer]. Thanks for reaching out to [organization].

Opening hours

  1. Our opening hours are from [add dedicated hours here]. We hope to see you there soon!

Delayed reply message

  1. Sorry for the wait! You left a message while we were out of the office. Feel free to ask me anything. 🤝

6.We've been receiving a lot of messages in the past couple of days, which is why it has taken us a while to get to yours. Sorry for the wait! How can I help you?

Refunds and return policies

  1. Items purchased at [company] can be returned within 21 weekdays. Please read our return policy for more information: [link].
  2. We've got that refund headed your way. You can expect to receive it within [timespan].

We don’t offer discounts

  1. Unfortunately, we currently don’t provide any discount except for what you see on our website.

Technical issues

  1. We are currently experiencing some technical issues with our website. Our team is working hard on getting everything back on track ASAP. We will let you know immediately when everything is back to normal. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  2. The issue has been fixed. Thanks for being patient with us!

Ask satisfied customers for a review

  1. Glad to help, [name customer]! Would you mind leaving a review of your experience with [company]? It'll only take a couple of minutes: [link].

Products back in stock

  1. Good news, [name customer]! Remember you asked us about [product]? We will finally have it in stock again by [date]. It’s not on the website yet, but we wanted to already reach out to you. Let me know if I have to set one aside for you.

Closing conversations

14*. Very happy to help! 😊 Is there anything else I can help you out with today?*

  1. You’re welcome, [name customer]! Please let me know if you have any more questions.

Start using quick reply messages for WhatsApp Business

You're all set! You know how to set up a quick reply and hopefully have the right inspiration to write some good ones too. If not, you can simply copy-paste the WhatsApp Business quick reply templates from this blog. Good luck!

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