How to Create AI Chatbot in Telegram: The Ultimate Guide Expert Tips For Maximizing Your ROI

Sep 27, 2024
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Telegram is one of those apps that almost everyone has heard of. With over two billion downloads, it’s clear that people love it— and 420 million of those downloads happened just last year (2023)! 

Whether you’re in Asia, Europe, Latin America, or the MENA region, Telegram’s popularity is undeniable. And here’s where it gets interesting for businesses: implementing an AI chatbot in Telegram. 

An AI chatbot will transform how you interact with your customers on this messaging app. You can use it to send instant auto-replies and personalised responses, 24/7.  Whether you’re managing a restaurant, running a hotel, or providing automotive services, a Telegram AI chatbot could be an excellent way to ensure that your customers get quick and reliable responses to their queries rather than waiting for a team member to be free to respond. 

In this blog, we will share a step-by-step guide to implementing an Telegram AI chatbot. In addition, we will explore why it will be a game-changer for your business's customer service, and share some of the best Telegram chatbots currently on the market.

What is a Telegram chatbot?

A Telegram chatbot is an AI-powered tool that interacts with users on Telegram, providing automated responses and performing tasks based on user input.

Here’s how it works:

  • AI-Powered Conversations: Telegram chatbots typically use AI, particularly natural language processing (NLP), to understand and respond to text messages.  NLP is a technology that helps the chatbot to interpret the meaning of human language, allowing it to understand the context, tone, and even intent of the queries that users input. This makes the conversations feel more natural, as the chatbot can engage with users just like a real person would.
  • Customisable and Easy to Build: You don’t need to be a software engineer to  create a chatbot for Telegram. With user-friendly tools and platforms—like Trengo— you create your outputs step by step in an easy-to-use builder.
  • Many Applications: From answering customer questions to processing orders and even booking appointments, a Telegram AI chatbot can be used to take over a number of different tasks, saving your team valuable time.
  • Always Available: One of the biggest advantages of a Telegram chatbot is that its available 24/7. With instant support, you can make sure your customers get whatever they need whenever they need it.

Benefits of using Telegram chatbots

1. Improve customer service

Telegram chatbots provide a quick and efficient way for customers to connect with your business. A Salesforce survey found that  65% of customers are using messaging apps to engage with companies, so having a chatbot in place means you’re meeting them where they already are. 

Whether it’s answering common queries, providing updates on orders, or offering personalised recommendations, a Telegram AI chatbot can help you handle it all.

Plus, with 74% of customers expecting to do anything online that they can do in-person or by phone, a chatbot ensures your business is always accessible and meeting customers growing demands.

2. Save time and money

One of the major benefits of using a Telegram chatbot is the time and money you can save. Chatbots can manage routine inquiries 24/7, freeing up your customer service team to focus on more difficult tasks. 

This reduces the need for a large customer service team, reducing labor cost, and also cuts down on the time your team spend respodning as bots handle repetitive questions without the need for human intervention.

The same Salesforce survey found that 61% of customers prefer self-service for simple issues, and a chatbot is the perfect tool to meet this need. By automating basic interactions, your business can cut costs and keep customers happy.

3. Increase first-contact resolution

According to Deloitte, 45% of customers prioritise having their issues resolved on the first contact, followed by the time required to resolve the issue (25%). A Telegram chatbot can help you meet these expectations. Because you can give immediate responses and guide customers to the right solutions there is no delay in finding a solution, meaning it can be resolved quickly and often on the first contact. 

4. Generate leads

Telegram chatbots can also be used as tools for lead generation. By interacting with potential customers and gathering information through the messaging platform, a chatbot helps you identify and nurture potential leads. 

Whether it’s collecting contact details, learning about customer preferences, or guiding users toward making a purchase, a Telegram chatbot can help you push customers through your funnel to increase conversions and boost your bottom line.

5. Gather valuable customer insights

Beyond answering questions, Telegram chatbots can help you gather data about your customers. This information can be used to better understand who your customers are, what they want and how they behave. By analysing your data from customer interactiosn, you can adjust your customer service and sales strategies to drive better results.

How to create an AI chatbot for Telegram in 5 easy steps (with Trengo)

Step 1: Set up your Telegram account

Before you create your chatbot, you first need to have a Telegram account set up. If you don’t have one yet, download the Telegram app and create an account.

Step 2: Connect your account

To create a chatbot for Telegram, you’ll need to connect your Telegram account to the Trengo platform. Trengo’s no-code interface makes it simple to link your account, so you can manage your Telegram messages alongside other channels, all in one view.

Step 3: Choose your chatbot type

Trengo offers two types of chatbots:

  • Regular Chatbot: This bot responds to open-ended questions using pre-determined answers. It recognises keywords or phrases from customer inquiries and responds instantly based of those specific inputs.
  • AI bot or journey: Instead of answering open questions, the bot guides users through multiple-choice questions, directing them to the right team or information based on their answers.

Decide which type best suits what you use Telegram for and continue with that one.

Step 4: Design your conversation flow

Now comes the fun part—designing the conversation flow. Use Trengo’s visual editor to map out the dialogue your chatbot will follow. 

To get started you can think about the most common questions your customers ask and how your bot should respond. Remember to keep your responses simple and direct, for the best user experience.

Step 5: Test and launch your chatbot

Before going live, test your chatbot to make sure everything works as you want it to. Run through different scenarios to see how it handles different inputs. Once you’re happy with the setup, launch your Telegram AI chatbot and let it start interacting with your customers.

Best Telegram chatbots in 2024

If you want to improve your business's customer response times on Telegram with automation or are looking to improve efficiency in your teams, here’s a list of the best Telegram chatbots in 2024 that can help you streamline your operations.

1. Trengo chatbot

The Trengo chatbot is a great tool that helps businesses automate customer interactions. It can manage inquiries across multiple channels, including Telegram. 

It’s designed to handle routine questions, route conversations to the right teams, and provide instant responses, all within a single interface. The chatbot is easy to set up, thanks to Trengo’s no-code interface, allowing you to create custom chat flows without any technical coding knowledge. 

Key features:

  • No-code setup for quick deployment
  • Seamless integration with multiple communication channels
  • Efficient handling of routine queries and routing to the appropriate teams


  • User-friendly interface
  • Reduces response time
  • Enhances customer satisfaction


  • Limited advanced customisation options for highly technical users

2. Feed Reader Bot

The Feed Reader Bot is perfect for users who want to stay informed about the latest news and updates from various sources. This bot automatically fetches content from selected feeds and delivers it directly to your Telegram chat. It’s particularly useful for businesses that need to keep their teams or customers up to date with industry news, blog posts, or company updates.

Key features:

  • Automatic content updates from chosen sources
  • Customisable feed options
  • Easy integration with other apps


  • Keeps users informed in real-time
  • Simple setup and customisation
  • Supports a wide range of content sources


  • Limited interaction capabilities beyond content delivery

3. Zoom bot

The Zoom Bot (as the name suggests) integrates the Zoom video calling platform. It  can be used to help you manage your Zoom meetings without leaving the Telegram app. This bot is ideal for businesses that rely heavily on virtual meetings, offering features like scheduling, joining, and managing Zoom calls seamlessly from within Telegram.

Key features:

  • Integration with Zoom 
  • File sharing and conferencing tools
  • Google Assistant compatibility for voice commands


  • Streamlines meeting management
  • Easy access to Zoom features
  • Supports multiple file types for sharing


  • Requires a Zoom account for full functionality

4. Aivo

Aivo is an advanced chatbot that leverages conversational AI to deliver personalised customer interactions on Telegram. It’s designed with NLP technology, making it capable of handling complex queries, automating routine tasks, and enhancing the overall customer experience. Aivo is particularly useful in industries where quick, accurate customer responses are important.

Key features:

  • AI-driven NLP
  • Omnichannel support for consistent customer experiences
  • Customisable for various business needs


  • High-level natural language understanding
  • Integration with existing tech stacks
  • Supports multiple languages


  • There are no options for real-time monitoring

5. Outgrow

Outgrow’s Telegram chatbot is ideal for lead generation. It has some great features that all you to create engaging content such as interactive quizzes, surveys, and chat-based funnels which can be used to capture leads directly through Telegram. 

Key features:

  • Lead generation through interactive content
  • Data segmentation and analysis tools
  • Over 1000 pre-made content funnels


  • User-friendly builder
  • Highly customisable templates
  • Detailed analytics and reporting


  • Some advanced features cost more

Telegram chatbot: build a custom Telegram chatbot

With Trengo, you can easily create a chatbot for Telegram without any coding knowledge. Manage all your Telegram messages alongside other channels, automate conversations, and provide instant support with a custom Telegram AI chatbot. If you’re ready to watch your customer service efficiency soar, start building your Telegram chatbot today!

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