27 foolproof customer service templates that win back time

Some examples of customer service templates
Jan 28, 2022
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If you’re in customer service, you’re used to answering a wide variety of questions on a daily basis. That’s what makes it such an exciting job. Every day you get to talk to different customers with their own specific challenges.

There are also questions you get more often. Instead of formulating an original answer for all of those, you’re better off automating the process by using customer service templates. No need to reinvent the wheel over and over again, right?

Building a template database can be time-consuming, but it’s worth the effort. Once you have a template for each frequently asked question, you’ll save time for both your team and your customers. To give you a head start, we put together an ultimate list of customer service templates that you can send via email and messaging apps.

In this article, we’ll discuss the following topics:

  • The benefits of customer service templates
  • How to write an effective customer service email template
  • 10 customer service templates for email
  • How to write an effective customer service messaging template
  • 10 customer service templates for messaging

The benefits of using customer service templates

Consumers are getting pickier by the day. And with the internet and all the options that come with it at their fingertips, you can’t blame them. Because of this development, consumers have become hypercritical about the customer experience. More than anything, consumers expect fast answers to their questions. This puts high pressure on customer service teams. But with the right set of customer service templates, you can reply fast without sacrificing quality.

While scaling your customer service team, keeping your overall messaging high-quality can be challenging. You want your team to speak with a clear tone of voice, have the ability to solve problems individually, and provide the correct information. By creating templated messages for FAQs, achieving this gets a lot easier. There is simply less room for interpretation and less room for human mistakes.

Last but not least, customer service templates allow teams to work efficiently. Think about it, how many of the questions you get daily have been asked before? Whether it’s about your company’s opening hours, return policy, or to get information on a product — you can almost dream up the answers. With templates, you save time for the more complicated questions.

Learn how ecommerce business Betersport scaled their customer service by using templates.

How to write an effective customer service template for email

Writing an email to a customer that hits the mark isn’t as easy as it sounds. Here are some tips to stand out.

Understand what your customer is asking

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s essential. One of the biggest frustrations customers have with customer service agents is the feeling of not being understood. This means you have to look closely, read between the lines, and only then start writing a reply.

Collect the necessary information

Knowledge is power. When talking to customers, you need to make sure you’re aware of the subject matter at hand and the customer’s context. This means you’ll first have to do a quick background check. Who is this customer? Did they order something before? Did they talk to customer service before?

Next, research the question at hand. If you’re not 100% sure about the answer, get help from one of your colleagues. For example, if a customer asks about the specs of a specific product you’re not too familiar with, reach out to one of your product specialists before you reply. Speed is only impressive when your reply is high-quality.

Use the right tone of voice

There’s a difference between your voice and your tone. To illustrate why this is the case, think of your own actual voice. Once you’re an adult, your voice doesn’t change. It’s something you’re recognized for, what sets you apart from others.

Your tone changes depending on the situation. When you’re having tea with your grandmother, your tone is different than when you’re in a room full of friends. You switch your tone to the circumstances and to other people’s moods.

This means you have to first understand the voice of the brand you work for. And then, no matter what the brand manager tells you, change your tone according to the situation. A customer who’s satisfied and a customer who’s disappointed both deserve a fitting tone.

Address your customer by name

Customers don’t want to feel like they’re a number. And whenever they feel the service they get is in any way automated, it’ll give them exactly that feeling. That’s why it’s important to personalize your email. Using their name is the easiest way to do so. If there’s more you know about the customer, make sure to add it in for bonus points.

Save your customer as much effort as possible

Overdeliver by doing the work average customer service agents don’t. Don’t just tell a customer about a product, send them a link. Don’t forward a customer to another department, reach out to the department yourself. Providing a pleasant experience is one of the best ways to turn a one-time customer into a loyal customer. Avoid shortcuts.

10 customer service templates for email


1. Responding to a complaint

Dealing with disappointed customers comes with the job. Whether it’s because they’re dissatisfied with your product, pricing, or service, the right response can make up for a lot.

Show empathy by acknowledging and repeating the issue at hand and apologize if this is applicable to the situation (i.e. if you really owe them the apology). The next step is to inform them about the actions you are going to take or have taken to improve the situation.

Hi [customer name],

Thanks for reaching out. We value you as a customer and I’m sorry that you have had a disappointing experience with us. I apologize for any problems you have experienced.

[Here, describe your action plan, for example: “I have arranged that your broken product will be replaced within two days. You will be notified via text about the exact time of delivery”.]

If there is anything else I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

[Agent name]

2. Responding to a compliment

Customer service pros are used to getting complaints, but compliments are a bit less common. Don’t let the moment pass and respond to their positive feedback with a thank you note. If you want to take it a step further, you can also ask them to share the feedback in a review.

Hi [customer name],

Thank you for your positive feedback, it has made our day. Making customers happy is our mission and we’re always proud when we succeed.

If it’s not too much for you, I would appreciate it if you could share your experience in a review. We are active on [add review site] and we’d love to get your support there. It only takes you a minute of your time.

Have a great day,

[Agent name]

3. Answering a question about your return policy

Handling the returns of products is a constant challenge for any e-commerce store. Because customers don’t get to see, feel, and experience the product from up-close, they often return their products. And that process is a hassle for both the customer and the company.

The customer service team often has to explain the returning process to multiple customers a day. You can easily automate this process with this template:

Hi [customer name],

Thanks for reaching out to us.

[Describe your return policy in one line, for example: “You can return your product within 14 days as long as the product is in good condition”]. For more detailed information about our return policy, please visit this page: [add link].

If there’s anything else I can do for you, please let me know. I’m always happy to help.

Enjoy your day,

[Agent name]

4. Responding to a question about business hours

If you have a physical store, chances are your customers will ask when they can visit. Especially during the holiday season or a lockdown, this question will come up a lot.

Hi [customer name]

Thank you for reaching out. I’m happy to hear you’re coming to visit us in person!

Our store opens at [opening hour] and closes at [closing hour]. You can always check our current business hours at [link].

See you in our store,

[Agent name]

5. Requesting a customer to fill in a CSAT survey

With this email, you can ask customers to fill in a CSAT survey. This helps you to measure customer satisfaction and learn about what your customers like and what you can improve.

It’s best to send this request when you have closed a conversation and you’re not expecting any more follow-ups.

Hi [customer name],

If you have two minutes to spare, I would really appreciate it if you filled in our customer satisfaction survey. The survey only takes you a minute to fill in, but it’s invaluable information that we can use to be of even better service in the future.

You can fill out the survey here: [add a link to your CSAT survey].

Thanks for your time,

[Agent name]

6. We don’t offer discounts

Refusing a discount request is a balancing act. You have to be straightforward and clear without upsetting your customer. The best way to do this is to add a however. There’s nothing like a good however.

Hello [customer name],

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a discount on [product] at this time as we’re already offering a very competitive price.

However, [we will have a huge discount promotion coming up next month with 10% off on everything].

I’m afraid that’s the best I can do for now. Let me know if I can help you with anything else.

Best regards,

[Agent name]

7. Following up with a customer

If you’re looking for a low-effort CSAT booster, this template is the one for you. This email is a simple follow-up to a conversation you recently had with a customer. This type of proactive communication shows that you truly care about your customers.

The trick is to keep these messages short and sweet to exude authenticity and sincerity.

Hello [customer name],

Just checking in about [the issue that was at play earlier]. Has this been resolved? If not, please let me know.

Best regards,

[Agent name]

8. Telling a customer a product is out of stock

Sometimes, there’s a glitch in the system. Your website stated a product was in stock, your customer ordered it, but the product wasn’t actually in stock. Sike. When you spot this, it’s important to send an immediate email to the customer to manage expectations.

If possible, send them alternatives for other products they can order instead, so they can get what they need in a timely manner.

Hey [customer name],

I’m sorry to say your recent order, [product name], is out of stock. It will be back in stock by [date], which means you will receive your order by [date].

If you’d like, you could also switch your order to a similar product of ours. I have taken a look and think the [product name + a hyperlink to the product page] could be a great fit for you too.

Thank you for your patience.

[Agent name]

Recommended read: How Volero’s customer service team uses quick replies to reply faster

9. Reactivating an abandoned cart

We all hate to see it. A customer has come a long way to find your website, pick a product, and start the ordering process. But then, for reasons you can’t possibly know, they abandon their cart.

It could be that the customer deliberately decided to not purchase the product. But oftentimes, a simple email reminder can get them right back into the buying process.

Hiya [customer name],

Just a casual reminder that you didn’t finish the purchase of your [product] today.

No matter if you got distracted or simply forgot, your cart is still fully intact. Simply click here to continue [hyperlink to cart].

If this isn’t the right time, that’s OK too. We’ll be right here when you need us. Thanks for checking out our store.


[agent name]

10. Upselling a customer

In business, it can be tempting to focus on acquiring new customers. But oftentimes acquiring new customers is way more difficult and expensive than selling to existing ones.

By sending an up-sell email after a customer just purchased one of your products, you can nudge them to consider buying more. The key is to make sure the product you’re trying to upsell actually adds to what the customer bought earlier.

Hello [customer name],

Thanks for shopping with [brand name]! We hope you enjoy your [product name] as we did creating it for you.

I’m reaching out to tell you about [upsell product]. It’s a great add-on to [purchased product]. In combination, [add benefit here].

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, I can tell you all about it. Simply contact me via [contact details]. If you want to take a closer look right away, you can check out this link: [product page].

Enjoy the rest of your day, [customer name]!

[agent name]

11. Respond to a damaged product notification

When a customer notifies you that their order came in damaged, you can use the following email template to take proper action.

Hello [customer name],

I’m very sorry to hear about your experience with [product name]. We take pride in offering our customers the best products possible, and I’ll make sure to make this right ASAP.

I can offer you the following solutions:

[Add available options, this depends on how your business manages damaged products]

Please let me know which option you’d prefer so we can take action right away. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.


[agent name]

12. Respond to a refund request

A big part of doing business online is handling refunds. It comes with the territory. Whenever the refund process gets too difficult or long-winded for the customer, you’ll easily lose them to your competitor. It’s a part of the customer experience you’d rather not spend too much time on, but it’s key. That’s why you should automate it as much as possible — for both your business and the customer.

With the template below, you can respond to customers who are eligible for a refund.

Hi [customer name],

Thanks for contacting us. I’m sorry to see that our [product name] didn’t live up to your expectations. I’ll make sure to get your refund processed ASAP.

Here’s what I’ll do:

[Describe the next steps in refund process]

Thanks for being a customer, [customer name]. Don’t hesitate to shoot me a message if there’s anything else I can help you with.


[agent name]

How to write an effective customer service template for messaging apps

In recent years, messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram Messaging have grown into important customer service channels. Customers love being able to reach out via those channels. Mostly because it’s convenient, many of us spend hours per day on those apps.

But communicating with customers on one of these messaging apps is an entirely different ball game than email. Here’s how to write an effective customer service message on messaging apps.

Keep your messages short

Messaging app users tend to keep their messages short. These short messages are tailored to fast back-and-forth conversations. That’s what makes communication on messaging apps so much different than via email: it’s an actual chat.

With email, you’re expected to put everything you have to say in one message, usually in multiple paragraphs. If you do this in a messaging app conversation, it stops being a chat. And that’s not what the customer is looking for on this channel.

Use a conversational tone

Like I said earlier: your voice never changes, but your tone does. Your tone depends partly on where the conversation takes place. If you’re in a fancy five-star restaurant, your tone automatically is different than in your local snack bar. This works the same way in the digital world. There’s a different etiquette for messaging than there is for email.

Because messaging apps are mostly used for real-time conversations, it is expected that you use a conversational tone of voice. This means, a bit less formal than you would write an email. This comes off as more authentic and personal.

Avoid forwarding to other channels

Resist the urge to forward customers to other channels. No matter if it’s email, your website, or any other channel. If a customer asks about your return policy, tell them about it. Don’t send them to a page on your website. If they wanted to go to your site, they would have.

There are great examples of e-commerce businesses that keep the entire buyer journey inside of messaging apps. From advising a product by sending pictures to paying for the product by sending a payment link.

15 customer service templates for messaging

Greeting messages

  1. Hello, thanks for reaching out to [your business]! 👋
  2. Hi! My name is [employee name]. How can I help you today?
  3. Hiya, [name customer]. Thanks for reaching out to [your business].

Business hours

  1. Our business hours are from [add dedicated hours here]. We hope to see you in one of our stores soon!

Delayed response message

  1. Apologies for the wait! You left us a message while we were out of the office. Feel free to ask me anything. 🤝
  2. We’ve been receiving a lot of messages lately, which is why it has taken us a while to get to yours. Sorry for the wait! How can I help you, [customer name]?

Return and refund policies

  1. Items purchased at [your business] can be returned within [number] weekdays. Please read our return policy for more information: [link].
  2. We’ve got that refund headed your way. You will receive it within [timespan].

We don’t offer discounts

  1. Unfortunately, we currently don’t provide any discount except for the discounts you see on our website.

Technical issues

  1. We are experiencing some issues with our website. Our team is working hard on getting everything back on track ASAP. I’ll let you know immediately when everything is back to normal. Apologies for the inconvenience!
  2. The issue has been fixed. Thanks for being patient with us!

Ask satisfied customers for a review

  1. Happy to help, [name customer]! Would you mind leaving a review of your experience with [company]? It’ll only take you a minute at max: [link].

Products back in stock

  1. Good news, [name customer]! Remember you asked us about [product]? We will finally have it in stock again by [date]. It’s not on the website yet, but we wanted to already reach out to you. Let me know if I have to set one aside for you.

Closing conversations

  1. Very happy to help! 😊 Is there anything else I can help you out with today?
  2. You’re welcome, [name customer]! Please let me know if you have any more questions.

Recommended read: How Betersport scaled customer service with quick replies and bots

Deliver the fast and high-quality service your customers deserve

Today’s customers are demanding. They expect top-notch service almost instantly, no matter the issue at hand. For businesses, this is either a pitfall or a great opportunity to overdeliver. With Trengo’s automation tools like quick replies, rules, auto-replies, and chatbots, your team can live up to the highest of expectations.

Curious? Learn how teams are using Trengo to provide better customer service.

Further reading

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